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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Our first scare with Joshua

Ok- so we took Joshua to the pool yesterday afternoon, came home, bathed him, put him to bed approx 9pm. Around 10:30pm, I heard him whining & whimpering over the monitor. I told Scott, "He sounds like he needs me" & went to check on him. He was burning up with fever. 102.4 under his arm. I gave him Tylenol, put cool jammies on him & took him back downstairs with me. Within minutes, he was seizing in my arms. It was only for a few seconds & he came out of it quickly. Within seconds, he started seizing again & it would not stop!! It seemed like forever! I knew what it was but it scared me to death. Scott & I felt so helpless! I called 911 as he continued to seize. I called our friends, the Edwards, to ask Autumn to stay with the older kids while Scott & I went to the hospital with Joshua. He was still seizing after both phone calls. When the ambulance arrived, he had stopped seizing & was crying. I was dying to see his little eyes open I just wanted him to make eye contact with me after seeing his eyes rolled back into his head for so long. Scott & I think the seizure prob only lasted about 3 minutes, but who knows, maybe it was 2, maybe it was 5 - all I know is it seemed like an hour! I rode in the ambulance with Joshua & Scott followed in the car when Autumn got here. When we arrived @ TC Thompson, his ears, throat, & chest were clear - the mission was to find the cause of the fever. White blood cell count was normal, urinalysis was normal...must be viral. They sent us home around 5 am. I gave him more Tylenol & we slept a few hours (with him on my chest). At 10:15 this morning his fever was 102 & I gave him Motrin. He ate breakfast & sure doesn't act sick! Motrin has brought fever down & he is surprisingly playful this am after being up all night. We will see MD for follow up Mon am, but he is going to be fine. His fever just spiked too fast for his little body to handle. For the moment, my happy little boy is back! Praise!

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