If this is the first time you have visited the blog, please go to my first post on July 10, 2009 to read about how God brought us to this decision.



Monday, January 11, 2010

New Photo!

We received a new pic of our sweet baby boy today. He is 7 months old in the above picture. He is definitely plumping up! He doesn't even look like a premie anymore! His Korean name is Hyeon-jin, which means "precious jade stone". His name will be Joshua Hyeon-jin Rowe when he gets to the states. I can't wait to hold him!


  1. He's absolutely precious! Looks like he's waving to you. . . "See you soon Mommy! I love you!"

  2. Oh my goodness - Joshua is beautiful! We'll keep you and your family in our prayers - how exciting!
